
Leoweb is a legal description to geographic coordinate conversion program for Kansas. Its a web based version of the most recent development efforts to convert geographic coordinates to PLSS legal land descriptions. It is not a surveying tool and only provides an approximate conversion.






Bulk Upload

You can upload a CSV file for making conversion in bulk. Please upload the input file and choose related conversion type.
Please make sure the file is in the correct format.
Additionally, please provide your email address when uploading the file. The processing time for approximately 1000 records is around 10 minutes. You will receive an email once the processing is complete.
Please enter the Datum and Corner for accurate conversion results. These fields are mandatory.
You can download the sample file using below links:
Lat Long in Decimal.
Lat Long in DMS.
TRS Footages.
TRS Q Calls.

Rest Services

The Leoweb project offers a REST web service for transferring LEO data via a URL in HTTP. This service runs independently of the interactive version of Leoweb but offers the same conversion options.

API Endpoints

  1. Convert Latitude and Longitude using Decimal Degrees
  2. Convert Latitude and Longitude using Degrees Minutes Seconds
  3. Convert Township, Range, Section, and Footages
  4. Convert Township, Range, Section, and Quarter Calls
  5. Convert UTM

Example of JSON returned


Example of JSON returned when an error occurs


Conversion History

View the history of last 50 conversions made during the current session.

Basic help with interactive pages

Select the desired conversion routine by clicking on the menu tab that describes the input values. For example, to convert from decimal degree latitude and longitude to Township, Range and Section, click on the Lat/Lon (D.dddd) tab.

Enter the appropriate input parameters including the desired Datum and Reference Corner. Once the input parameters have been entered, click on the Submit button to process the coordinates. If the conversion is successful, the result set will be displayed below the input form and the map will be zoomed in Township and a point will be displayed at the latitude and longitude. An error message will be displayed if the if an invalid input parameter has been entered or if the application failed to perform a coordinate conversion because the point was outside of the state boundaries.

Data validation of input parameters is performed when a user start typing in the input fields and the page will display the acceptable input values. Addtional validation are also performed when the user clicks on the submit button.

The user can click on the history tab to view the history of all the conversions made during the current session.

A comprehensive user manual can be found at http://www.kgs.ku.edu/Publications/OFR/2012/OFR12_14/index.html.

Help with Bulk Upload feature

The user can upload a CSV file for making conversion in bulk for each conversion type. Please upload the input file and choose related conversion type. Refer Bulk upload tab for the Sample input files and detailed information

Help with REST Service

The LEOWEB project offers a REST web service for transferring LEO data via a URI in HTTP. This service runs independently of the interactive version of LEOWEB but offers the same conversion options. See this applications REST Service tab for detailed information.

Input Parameter Validation

  • Decimal Degree Lat/Long to TRS NAD83/WGS84:
    • Latitude should be between 36.99300 and 39.9890.
    • Longitude should be between -102.052000 and -94.584000.
  • Decimal Degree Lat/Lon to TRS NAD27:
    • Latitude should be between 36.9930 and 40.003200.
    • Longitude should be between -102.052000 and -94.584000.
  • Degree Minute Second Lat/Lon to TRS:
    • Latitude Degrees should be between 36 and 40.
    • Latitude Minutes should be between 0 and 59.
    • Latitude Seconds should be between 0.00 and 59.99.
    • Longitude Degrees should be between -94 and -102.
    • Longitude Minutes should be between 0 and 59.
    • Longitude Seconds should be between 0.00 and 59.99.
  • TRS Conversions to Lat/Lon:
    • Township should be between 1 and 35.
    • Range East should be between 1 and 25.
    • Range West should be between 1 and 43.
    • Section should be between 1 and 36.
    • N-S Footage and E-W Footage should be between 0 and 5280.
    • Inputs greater than 5280 feet will trigger a warning message.
  • UTM Coordinates to Lat/Lon:
    • Zone should be between 13 and 15.
    • Northing and Easting are not validated.

Irregular Sections: A section is an area 1/36th of a township bounded by 1 square mile and covering 640 acres. Many sections in Kansas are smaller or larger than the prescribed nominal section. In fact very few, if any, sections are true square miles and less than 7 percent of Kansas sections actually cover an area equaling 640 acres. Users should be aware of irregular sections and problems associated with converting lat/long values to legal land descriptions.

LEOWEB 24 is a web-based version of the most recent development efforts to convert geographic coordinates to PLSS legal land descriptions. The project has been funded by Kansas GIS Policy Board and the Kansas Geological Survey. It is not a surveying tool and only provides an approximate conversion.

Early History: In 1964 Donald Good published "Mathematical Conversion of Section, Township and Range Notation to Cartesian Coordinates. He used 126 land grid locations and an arbitrary map coordinate system to test the possibility of accurately calculating map coordinates using a computer. The computer program was written in FORTRAN II for an IBM 1620 computer, (Good 1964). This was the first of several applications written at the Kansas Geological Survey to convert legal land grid descriptions to geographic coordinates.

For more than twenty years the KGS has distributed desktop applications to process coordinate conversions. LEO was created by KGS employee Charles G. Ross with subsequent development by David R. Collins, Ph.D. The word LEO is a play on LEGAL to GEO, (Ross 1989). The original program was a FORTRAN program that ran on a desktop PC. The program converted Public Land Survey System (PLSS) legal description township, range, section notation to approximate latitude/longitude geographic coordinates (and vice versa). Since 1989, there have been four DOS-based versions of LEO (versions I, II, 3.3, and 3.6) and one multi-platform JAVA version (LEO 7) released to the public.

The LEO 7 desktop version can be downloaded at http://www.kgs.ku.edu/software/LEO. This JAVA 1.6 application was written by Glen Gagnon and released in November of 2008. It serves as the foundation for the LEOWEB project. The JAVA class files were updated and loaded into the KGS Oracle 11g database system, and PL/SQL procedural code was used to interface the web front end with the underlying JAVA calculation engine. The web pages were developed using Oracle's APEX development tool, providing an elegant graphic user interface.


  • Good, D. I., 1964, Mathematical conversion of section, township, and range notation to Cartesian coordinates: State Geological Survey of Kansas, Bulletin 170, pt. 3, 30 p.
  • Ross, C. G., 1989, LEO-conversion between legal and geographic reference systems in Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report 89-10, 9 p.
  • Gagnon, G.F., 2008, LEO Version 7.0 User Manual: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2008-24, 20 p.